Gas Station Update
Here are the latest updates on the proposed gas station development at 86th and Lafayette Road.
Zoning Permit:
After the first three judges recused themselves, the case has been assigned to Judge John F. Hanley (Marion County Superior Court – Civil Division 11). He has agreed to hear the case. Oral arguments have been set for October 11, 2016. There are various briefs, etc that will need to be filed over the course of the summer.
Alcohol Permit:
After being unanimously denied an alcohol permit at the local board and state board hearings, the developer has hired an attorney and filed an appeal with the state board. The case was assigned to Mr. David Rothenberg (Hearing Judge). A hearing date has not been set, but we will keep you posted.
Legal Fund:
We are very grateful to so many of our neighbors who have who have contributed to the legal fund online and via mail. Special thanks to Pike Township Residents Association for their generous donation! If you are interested in contributing, donations can be made two ways:
1. Online. Donations can be made here: (Note: GoFundMe does take a small service fee out of the money donated).
2. By Mail. Checks can be sent to Greater Historic Traders Point: 7103 W. 96th St., Zionsville, IN 46077.
As always, feel free to Contact Us with your ideas, questions, and thoughts.