Alcohol Permit Appeal Filed & Legal Fund Donations
In spite of the overwhelming community opposition, proximity to an elementary school, residential area and the unanimous denial of the Local and State Alcohol Beverage Commissions, Three Mile Properties has decided to continue to try and insist on alcohol sales at the proposed gas station location.
We received word that the developer has hired an attorney and filed an appeal on the denial of the Alcohol Permit with the State Alcohol Beverage Commission. The appeal will automatically be heard by an ATC Hearing officer. We will keep you posted on the next steps as we learn more about them.
In order for us to have legal representation at the hearing, we need to raise additional money to cover the legal fees. We are looking to raise $10,000 for the continued opposition to the alcohol permit and the judicial review of the zoning permit.
Donations can be made two ways:
1. Online. Donations can be made here: (Note: GoFundMe does take out a small service fee out of the money donated).
2. By Mail. Checks can be sent to Greater Historic Traders Point: 7103 W. 96th St., Zionsville, IN 46077.
All contributions are tax deductible and will be matched. All funds contributed are deposited to the Greater Historic Traders Point, a nonprofit organization that protects over 2,600 acres of green space around Eagle Creek for the enjoyment of generations to come.
We are very grateful for all of you who have contributed so far. We also are considering various fundraisers, so please contact us if you would like to help.