Final Details on the Alcohol Permit Hearing – March 7, 2016
Here are the final details regarding the alcohol permit hearing on Monday, March 7 at 9:30 am.
Your attendance at the hearing is critical to defeating this application!
Public Hearing Before the Marion County Local Alcoholic Beverage Board
Monday, March 7, 2016 at 9:30 A.M.
Indianapolis City County Building
200 East Washington Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46203
Room No. 260
Note: Seating in the room is limited (seats about 60), so get their early, or feel free to wait in the hallway until the permit is ready to be called.
The Alcohol Commission hearing will be very different than the Board of Zoning Appeals hearings. The petitioners (developer) will ask the board to grant their permit. After that, the board will give everyone who wants to remonstrate (oppose) the permit an opportunity to speak. The board does reserve the right to limit or cut off repetitive testimony, however they usually just encourage those speaking to limit their testimony to 2-3 minutes. The board will give the applicant a few minutes for a closing statement and then make a decision to grant or deny the permit.
They typically put the cases with remonstrators towards the end of the hearing. It is likely that this permit won’t start being heard until 10:30-11 and the hearing could take around an hour.
Remember, this board deals specifically with the alcohol permits (they have no control over zoning, traffic, environment etc), so if you speak, please keep your testimony relevant (see the following points).
The criteria this board uses to evaluate the permit is also very different:
“At a hearing on a new permit or a transfer of location application, the applicant has the burden to prove he qualifies to hold the desired permit at the proposed location. An applicant may be denied for any one or more of the following:
1. The applicant does not maintain a high and fine reputation in the community;
2. There is no need for the services of the applicant at the proposed location;
3. The neighborhood and/or community do not desire the services;
4. The services at the proposed location would have a negative impact on other businesses in the neighborhood as well as a negative impact on the neighborhood in general;
5. The permit premises is within 200 feet of a church or school; or
6. The permit premise is in a residential area as referred to in IC 7.1-1-3-38 and 905 IAC 1-18-1.”
Application Details:
Three Mile Properties Inc
Beer & Wine Dealer – Grocery Store
New Application
8562 Lafayette Road
Indianapolis, IN 46278
Please contact us with any questions or if you need a ride!